Wednesday 28 September 2011


Peevish Boss or Crabby colleague?  Grumpy neighbor or cranky partner?  What are you suffering from? Whether  you are in office, market, home, road, shop, school or in any other part of this world, this category is ‘infectious’!

An obnoxious character tends to affect and tarnish everybody around. This  
often leaves us in a peculiar predicament, where neither we want to face them nor can overlook. So is there any way out to get through such an unlikable situation with peace and grace?  Here are some quick tips to help you think twice before any 
unwanted person or situation pisses you off.

  •  Use an assertive communication when a person treats you in an unacceptable way.
  •  Try and keep your conversation neutral.
  •   If the situation has really worsened and you feel its time to maintain a distance, then do so and let them know why. However, don’t seek to avoid them.  What matters is your attitude.
  • Don’t take any comment personally and try not to be defensive. Arguing back, defending or any kind of justification (at that particular time) can often lead to both parties becoming more entrenched.
  • Don’t keep thinking about such people all the time. Concentrate on things and people that inspire you.
  • Silence could be an effective tool when dealing with any complex personality. If you ignore them, they lose influence.
  • Develop and uphold a good sense of wit.

  • Always stay calm, never cry and don’t involve yourself in any kind of ugly argument because all this is only going to add fuel to fire. Defuse them by ignoring or looking away or may be starting any other conversation.
  • It would be unwise to join them in playing blame games or stooping low. All this will only stimulate them.

“Every moment that you spend upset, in despair, in anguish angry or hurt because of the behavior of anybody else in your life is a moment in which you have given up control of your life”
-Wayne Dyer

So your self respect and self esteem is in your hands. And so there is no use of being loud or harsh.  Act normally in any tricky situation. No need to appease or change such people. Just change the way you look at the situation- be calm, firm, honest and humble. Respond with your own optimistic expectation.


“In the school of life, difficult people are the faculty. They teach us our most important spiritual lessons that we would be most unlikely to learn on our own”
-Mark I. Rosen