Friday 26 August 2011


I read the following lines somewhere which reminded me of an disenchanted idea that most of us are living with:-
“When I lose this extra weight, then I will be attractive,
If I can just get my abs a little more toned, then I can wear the bikini I love,
I feel so much better after I put on that make up in the morning,
I looked much more sexier before I had those wrinkles,
My hair looks drab and lifeless until I get it colored”

So many times we wait for something to happen so that we could finally start feeling attractive. I think many women would be of the same mind with me on this point, but the reality is that all of us do it ‘all the time’.
But somehow we need to change this approach in order to be beautiful………..FOR EVER!!!!!

Feeling good about your body is the first lesson for feeling good about yourself. If you will feel good about your body, you will look good and will also feel good about your mind and your personality. Always look yourself in the mirror and admire yourself, say- “not bad”, this means you look good and this is definitely going to make you feel out of this world.
Studies show that when you feel good about yourself, and are confident, you look better to other people. Stand up tall and be proud of the way you look, whether curvy, skinny or fat.
You don’t have to be slim or thin in order to feel good. Instead, you need to be fit and healthy. Each and every being is beautiful from within but we are often sloppy about our body fitness and easily fall trap of detrimental lifestyle, eating high calorie food, junk food and obesity.
Unfortunately, most of us believe that somehow, something needs to change- about who we are, how we look and what we do in order to be sexy and eye-catching.
But the truth is that we all are unreservedly and intrinsically beautiful, sans any single change!

  •   Dress according to your body type. Try and wear suitable clothes that make you feel good and better. Search online or look into some magazines for articles on clothes for your body type.
  •   Praise yourself.  Praising yourself is most important to boost yourself esteem. Always think positive, be affirmative about what you do and what you wear. Always get a positive body image.

  •   Make a list of all the good things about yourself.

  •   Exercise daily and be health conscious. Exercise reduce anxiety, promotes potency, balance, flexibility and general posture and a general sense of happiness.
  •   Nurture yourself with meditation during the day.
  •   Don’t stop eating. However, you should not stuff yourself. You should plan a healthy and nutritious diet plan. Avoid junk food.

  •   Maintain right weight. It’s dangerous to be too slender or too chubby. Have a balanced diet- eat the amount of food your body needs. Involve your self in some physical activities. Keep a balance between what you eat and what you consume in terms of calories- so that you can uphold your body weight.
  •   Set an intention to see your self through the eye of beauty.


Thursday 25 August 2011


Indian women have customarily been cramped to handling household errands while their husbands go out for job. But this frame of mind has distorted to a vast degree and women are now stimulated to chase careers of their own.
As a woman you are often torn between house, children and work. But life has much more in store than what we think. Being ‘independent’ or lending a ‘helping hand’ is such a great idea and you can easily accomplish it by initiating a home business and get the best of both the worlds. To realize something in business you need to have a plan that is unusual. Now days, plethora of home or internet based jobs and self employment careers are attracting people of all age group. It is a fantastic alternative way to earn money, in a flexible way. But in order to be successful in home/freelance business, you should look for something that interests you. This will definitely increase the probability of trade success.
Self employment is a notion which is rapidly catching up with the youth of the country and especially women. There are many reasons for this inclination. First of all you get the comfort to work from home, there are no fixed hours and you can schedule things as per your discretion. Moreover, you get to save lot on taxes.
However, you should not get overwhelmed and be very cautious before you start your own business. Do not spend too much from your pocket in the beginning and plan your expenses prudently. Lastly, be very careful about the people you are dealing with.
Here are few suggestions for you to have a look:-
ü  Freelance writer/ reporter
ü  Web/ graphic designer
ü  Online teaching
ü  Medical transcription
ü  Data entry
ü  Catering business
ü  BPOs
ü  Cooking/ baking/ chocolate making classes
ü  Fashion designer/ boutique
ü  Interior designing
ü  Art/ craft classes
ü  Music classes
ü  Beauty salons
ü  Wedding/ special event planner
ü  Jewellery designing
ü  Special activities or hobby classes
ü  Coaching classes
ü  Fitness centers
ü  English speaking classes

…….the list goes on and on. 


What you need is a good session of brainstorming. Of course it will not be a cakewalk. You might have to face failure, dejection, disappointment or losses. But that would be the time to shoe perseverance and patience. Remember ‘Well planned is half done’, so go for a sagacious and systematic planning and then act accordingly.

Search for women
Search Arts, Crafts & Sewing for women
Search Beauty for women
Search Books for women
Search Health/PersonalCare for women
Search Jewelry&Watches for for women
Search Kitchen/Housewares for for women
Search Magazines for for women
Search Shoes for for women
Search WirelessAccessories for for women

Tuesday 16 August 2011


ARE YOU A………………

Shopping is a fun activity. It could be a short way to release stress. I think most of the women like shopping. They believe that if they shop they will feel better.  They'll go for shopping with the intention of buying one or two items but come home with bags and bags of purchases.

Shopping addiction tends to affect more women than men. They often buy things they do not need.  There are some people who "shop 'till they drop" , while some run their credit cards up to the limit . So called "SHOPOHOLICS"or "SHOPPING SPREE" often have racks of clothes and possessions with the price tags still attached which have never been used. Shopping Addiction usually occurs when a person feels depressed, lonely and angry. Not sure whether spending will assure more love, boost self-esteem, heal the hurts or stress, and the problems of daily living, but it certainly is going to increase financial debt. Therefore it  be better if we can be wise in shopping.

Actually, we need to understand that these shops exploit human weakness. A tempting display of easily visible merchandise makes it difficult for many people to resist temptation. Therefore it is very  important for you to be aware of the tactics being used so that you can easily avoid the trap.

                                                So how to control SHOPOHOLISM:-

                                               Work on a budget for yourself.

Make a shopping list of the things to be bought and most importantly adhere to it.

Pay for purchases by cash, cheque or debit card.

When unplanned,visit the shops without bringing any money, and don't return there until you have decided that you really need a
 certain article.

Use credit cards only in emergency and not for shopping.

Avoid discount warehouses. Allocate only a certain amount of cash to be spent if you do visit one. 

"Window shop" only after stores have closed. If you do "look" during the day, leave your home. 

Take a walk or exercise when the urge to shop comes on.

SO FRIENDS...........

Sunday 14 August 2011



Time is such a great teacher. A teacher, who is everywhere and unbeaten by everyone. Its rightly said ‘Time and tide wait for none’.
Life is full of events- good and bad. All these events come at an appointed time! That’s why its said that after every night, there is a sunshine waiting for you and after every despair there is hope!!!

Life is like this. On one hand it’s full of hope, opportunities, liveliness, love, happiness and on the other hand its gloomy, full of disappointments, misery, discontentment. And who has the keys to both these doors of what we call life - “TIME”
So what should be our take when life leaves no options for us?  Everywhere is dejection and failure. Nobody knows when the right time will come?

This is the phase when we meet with our real self and this is the time to show life that you don’t care!  Seriously, Life would be better. Life is no bed of roses. It is full of perils, difficulties, hydra-headed problems etc and if you want to pass this acid test then have patience, perseverance, faith, firm and positive attitude. We all come in this world with our own share of grievances, challenges and opportunities. Live every moment to the fullest, care for your family and loved ones, have a hobby, try and do the weirdest things that you ever dreamt of, hobnob with friends and most importantly, try and be happy because it is going to become your habit and soon your attitude.