Saturday 13 August 2011


Have you ever thought what is that one thing we want from our lives ?
Hundreds of bubbles start busting inside……isn’t it? -name, fame, money, fleet of cars, bungalow  etc. or in other words all kinds of worldly pleasures one can think of. And some, for a change, look for inner peace, wisdom, happiness etc. What do you think is required to achieve all this?.
Answer to all the questions and key to success is not waiting outside, it is resting within us- you and me.
      In this world of cut-throat competition and rat race, how much time are we able to devote for quenching the thirst of our soul ? . What we all long for , deep inside our heart, is the feeling of contentment, deep felt happiness,  peace of mind and satisfaction.
Instead of changing the world or playing blame game with your colleagues, its  time to bring change in yourself. Speak out your heart, stand with what is right ,  do what you think is morally and ethically correct. May be you will not get hefty rewards for these deeds, but one thing is for sure, you will never repent in your life.
      We all are special in some way or the other ,but what makes us stand out from the mob is our viewpoint, our attitude towards life and towards work, our conduct and last but not the least our will power ! .Time and tide wait for none. Speak up and be heard. There are shortcuts to affluence and luxury, but at the end of the day we all know that life always takes a U- turn, so drive safely and guard your soul against all evils. Live life large but try and make it more meaningful, not just for yourself but also for your near and dear ones. Learn to say ‘no’, when you feel so, stop grumbling about niggling worries, be a hardcore optimist , have a positive outlook towards life and believe me life will give you the very best it has in store for you.
 Many a times, we start compromising with our values, as we have to survive in this so called world of competition and earn a decent living .It is the story of every Tom, Dick and Harry, and we are no different. A change in one person will hardly affect the world. But this is mindset  that we all should be determined to change. Honesty, determination, optimism, positive attitude and your will power are the elements required for this chain reaction that is going to positively affect everyone associated with you .
       Stand out, stand large, so that the world look up to you. If you will be able to change one individual also, it will be a big achievement for you. Believe in the existence of God and have faith on his decisions. You will have galore of opportunities coming your way. Just stay focused, believe in yourself, keep trying and always be true to yourself. You will come out with flying colors.

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